Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Midway through the season and the Rams are gaining momentum

The Gavilan Football Rams have learned a great deal throughout the season. They have learned that it takes more then just winning to have a successful season. Their current record doesn't reflect what and who the team really is; a winner. First year coach Mike Dovenberg along with a talented football staff has managed to keep the band of brothers on looking pass the scores of each game and keeping their eyes on the prize. An experience of a lifetime, to be able to play at college level football. There are many positives in what seems like a mound of negatives. Players are being recognized nationally for their talent. They are achieving scholastic pride with decent grades and most of all they are being taught how to fight through adversity and grow.

Following the team, I have grown close to the players and staff and have interviewed them weekly. What I discovered is that their is no quit in the team. There are no pointing fingers, blame or doubt. They know that the season record doesn't reflect the hard work, dedication and effort they have put into every game. The team as a whole (coaches and players) keep exclaiming the same over all feel. We are family and we will get through this.

How can we say that the Gavilan Football Rams are not having a good season when football is more then just winning. It is about building character and these players and staff are heroic. Every day they come to practice with the same enthusiasm they did during summer practice. Our coaches work far beyond what is expected at any job with little to no days off. Players juggle, school, work and practice masterly achieving good grades and high level play on the field. They have already won and when the 2015 season is done. They will all look back at this season as not what could have been done but the excitement and gift to of playing football. Isn't that what matters most.

Please tune into the next installment of "Race with Time" Family,

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